Write Out Your Intentions, What is Your Destination? (Part 2 of Intention Series)

If you are following along, you read about my dislike of resolutions and my plan to create my Intentions. Here are the 4 steps:

  1. Write out your intentions
  2. Pick one word to summarize your intentions
  3. Create a visual of your word and intentions
  4. Create your plan of action

We will focus on writing out our intentions today. Intentions are a course of action that one intends to follow. We are figuring out where we want to be in one year. If we are planning a trip, what is your destination?

Step 1:

Begin by writing out all the things that you intend to do or accomplish in one year. Do not worry about whether they are lofty goals. Just write everything that comes to mind. Think about where you want to be one year from now.

Step 2:

Narrow it down to the top 3 – 5 intentions. You decide what the right number is for you. I prefer to stick to 3 intentions each year. If I try to focus on too many things at the same time, I’ll end up focusing on nothing.

Step 3:

Type or write up your top 3 – 5 intentions on a piece of paper leaving room for notes after each one. Keep this close to where you are most often. Jot down ideas, words, plans or anything that comes to mind in reference to these intentions. I find that I work best when I’m not thinking about something. You know, the shower ideas, but I need to write down my notes otherwise I forget them. This will help us pick one word to summarize our intentions (tomorrow’s post).

Here are the 3 intentions I came up with. This is where I’d like to be in one year.

1. Lose 15 lbs and get back to my healthy lifestyle of eating right, exercising reguarly and taking time for myself.

2. Declutter my life. Get rid of all the stuff that has accumulated in my home, body, head, etc.

3. Continue to grow my community around my blog and business.

Tomorrow we will choose one word.

What are your intentions?

Write them in the comments below or put a link to a blog post about your intentions.

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