Kaijudo, Rise of the Duel Masters TV Show on Hub

Kaijudo tv series on hub

Kaijudo is a new TV show for kids 8 and up on the Hub. My 9-year-old son and 8-year-old daughter love watching Kaijudo.

Kaijudo is about a boy who is bullied and a guy brings them to the dojo. There is a secret door which opens up to a strange place where they learn to become Kaijudo Masters. He doesn’t hurt anyone, but the boy now stands up for himself when he gets picked on and the bully leaves him alone. (per my 9-year-old son)

Kaijudo tv series on hub

Last week, we had a few boys over to watch 2 episodes of Kaijudo to review. My husband, son, daughter and their friends, put on the Kaijudo headbands and watched both episodes without leaving the couch.

kaijudo family review episodes

In my house, that means they really enjoyed the show. Here were their responses,

9-year-old son

I love Kaijudo because the story is very interesting and I like all the strange and awesome creatures. It also has some karate in it.


old daughter

I like it because it has to do with karate and the creatures look really cute.

My husband,

It was enjoyable to watch with my kids.

Kaijudo family rise of the duel masters

My son knew about Kaijudo and was watching it before we did the review. He makes sure to watch it live each week because he doesn’t want to wait for the on-demand episode.

The Hub's logo

You can catch Kaijudo, Rise of the Duel Masters on the Hub on Saturdays at 8:00 pm ET.

Disclosure: I received the Kaijudo party pack in exchange for having the Kaijudo party. All opinions are 100% mine (and my family’s). 


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  • So who says watching TV is bad for you huh? it really depends on what you do with the TV watching time isn’t it. I’d watch out for the boy though, before you know it he’ll be chopping and kicking those wooden fence in the backyard. 🙂

  • It sounds very similar to The Karate Kid, minus the violence!

    I’m a giant fan of kids learning to stand up for themselves and building confidence in the process. There is a misconception that ‘standing up for yourself,’ means ‘learning how to fight,’ which just isn’t the case at all.

    Lovely to see your kids enjoying the show so much, Michele!

  • Looks like adults can enjoy watching this cartoon too, just like Avatar the last Air Bender where adults enjoyed watching it.

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