2014 Editorial Calendar Template Free Download
Updated 2015 Editorial Calendar Available!
For the last 2 years, I have shared my editorial calendar template with you. This year is a little different. I’ve updated the template for 2014 and the one-page template is available to download for free without anything in return. If you would like the month-on-one-page version, you will need to sign up for my newsletter at the end of this post.
2014 Editorial Calendar Layouts
Here is what you get in the year in one page layout (for 2014):
If you sign up for my newsletter, you will get this version emailed to you for free after you confirm the newsletter (and a few other surprises throughout the year.) It prints out so that each page is one month. Lots of room to write in your posts.
2014 Editorial Calendar Template Free download
Here it is…
Download 2014 Editorial Calendar Template Here!
Updated 2015 Editorial Calendar Available!
Click to tweet: [tweetable]I just downloaded a free & Gorgeous 2014 Editorial Calendar Template [/tweetable]
Have you created your editorial calendar for 2014? Do you follow yours exactly as you planned or is it a guideline? To see how I set up mine, check out my 2012 Editorial Calendar Template post.
Great resource. Thank you!
You are very welcome!
Hey, I heard about your awesome editorial calendar on Cate Russell-Cole’s blog and thought I’d check it out. Great colors! I can’t wait to try this new tool out. Thank you!
Thank you Lauren for stopping by. Glad you like the calendar. It’s been a life saver for me.
That may help for the slow individuals like myself. lol!
Hi Michelle! Great calendar! You are single-handedly helping me to keep my resolution of being better organized. lol. One question: I signed up for your newsletter to get the larger editorial calendar version but I can’t seem to figure out how to download it. Thanks in advance for your help 🙂
Oh, okay. Just got it! Didn’t realize you were emailing it to me. Good stuff!!! Thanks! 🙂
Awesome!! I should add that it’ll be emailed to my note above. I will do that.
Hi Michele!
Will absolutely be signing up to follow your newsletters (would be a nut not to!) However, my big question for you is how to download this if I do not have Zip software to unzip? Yes, I might be the only one who does not have a zip file but, if there’s a way you can help me download your amazing calendar, I would be very grateful.
Thanks, Cynthia
Cynthia – I will email you the xls file. Not a problem at all!! I will send you the xls file of the 2nd file you would have received that will be zipped too.
First off, great name. We one “L” Micheles are a dime a dozen 😉
Second, love your presence here. I just found you on Pinterest and plan on coming back more and more. Last, I didn’t get the second half of this amazing editorial calendar emailed to me either.
Keep up the great work,
Chele, Yeah, another one “L” Michele. Thank you very much for the wonderful comment! I will send you the file directly. Thanks for stopping by!
I am a bit embarrassed to say I am first time here (I like to believe I already discovered all the coolest blogs) but I can’t lie. So I grabbed my copy of the calendar just cause I love the colors… I promise to try and actually use it if I learn how to organize better 🙂
Welcome Brankica! I completely understand. While I have created the template, I still have to plan and get organized myself. Now you have the tools. Hope you enjoy & thank you for stopping by.