ME Days Are Essential To Work/Life Balance #MEday

This is a sponsored post. The words, work/life balance seem like a contradiction in terms so much of the time. But it all depends on how you look at it. You can find balance between your life and career if you tweak the definition and add in a dose of ME. What is Work/Life Balance? I found this definition[…]

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Guest Post: 4 Innovative Ways to Find an Intern for Your Small or Medium-Size Business from Staples

As your blog begins to grow into a small business, you may be finding it harder to do everything yourself and need to delegate some of your business activities to others. Bringing in an Intern may be a cost effective way for you to hire someone to help you. Staples shares some tips for small[…]

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Creative Business Planning Is Not An Oxymoron

Business planning takes a lot of work and I always thought was as far from creative as can be. Creative business planning? You’re kidding me! I have never created a business plan, mission statement, media kit, etc for my blog. I know I should have done it a long time ago, but the business planning takes[…]

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