Preserve 3D Objects In Your Family Scrapbooks (& More Projects) #GoMakeThings #SproutByHP

This is a sponsored post. Do you have a shelf in your home that looks something like the above photo? With 4 kids, I have several shelves like that. I’m always moving objects around to get to the books I want. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could capture those objects (and more) and keep[…]

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Scan Straight to your Mobile Device with ScanSnap iX100

This is a sponsored post. I discovered the most awesomest (probably not a real word) scanner. It’s the ScanSnap iX100 and it’s awesome because you can scan paper straight to your mobile device. It’s so easy! Within 10 minutes of opening the box, I was scanning documents to my mobile phone. Plug it into your[…]

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