Jabra Headphones at Best Buy for Fitness Resolutions #JabraHeadphonesBBY

This is a sponsored post. Did you set a running or fitness resolution for 2015? I have. I intend to run 500 miles in 2015. One thing that I MUST have every time I go for a run are good headphones. Best Buy offers the Jabra Sport Pulse Wireless headphones. They also track your heart rate[…]

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Celebrating My Half Marathon With Running Gadget @DCMobility #ATTRun

On Sunday, my daughter and I will be running the Virginia Beach Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon. It will be my second and Sami’s (15 yrs old) first. To celebrate, AT&T in DC, @DCMobility, is offering my readers a running (or any sport) gadget giveaway. (This is a sponsored post.) We have stuck with our[…]

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Running With Your Teen #NRD

Today is National Running Day, so I thought it was the perfect time to share my running story for 2014. Throughout the years, my kids have run with me. I’ve run a 5k with all of my kids at some point. I love that they have all realized that running is fun and you can[…]

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