Finding The Right Motivation to Run With Fitness Gadgets #GiftsThatDo

Have you found the right motivation to run or walk or live a healthy lifestyle? What is it that will motivate you to want to live a healthy lifestyle? As a tech gadget addict, I have found that any time I can find a tech way to do something, it makes the task a lot[…]

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Headphones For Running; Skullcandy FIX Earbuds

I have had a hard time finding  headphones for running because most just keep falling out of my ears. I want to take off running and not have to keep pushing my earbuds back in my ear. I didn’t think it was possible, but the Skullycandy FIX earbuds DO stay in my ears when I’m running.[…]

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EA SPORTS Active Goes 2.0

EA SPORTS Active is expanding its line of interactive fitness products. Not only will the EA SPORTS Active be available for the Wii, but also the Playstation 3, iPhone and iTouch. We will never be too far away to work out. Disclosure: I worked with EA Sports during the release of the previous version, but[…]

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