5 Simple Steps To Create Project Life® Layouts In Minutes

I’ll prove to you that creating Project Life layouts doesn’t take much time. Do you hear the words Project Life® and immediately stop listening? You are sure that scrapbooking involves hours of cutting and pasting and creativity that you left behind in kindergarten, aren’t you? With the Project Life App on your device, you can create layouts in[…]

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Preserve 3D Objects In Your Family Scrapbooks (& More Projects) #GoMakeThings #SproutByHP

This is a sponsored post. Do you have a shelf in your home that looks something like the above photo? With 4 kids, I have several shelves like that. I’m always moving objects around to get to the books I want. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could capture those objects (and more) and keep[…]

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Getting Unstuck and Following My Path; Changes Are Coming

Have you ever been stuck? I have been stuck for a over a year now. I’m working hard to figure out why and to wade my through through the muck. Project Balance??? I tried to use #ProjectBalance last year to get unstuck, but that just left me frustrated and feeling guilty because I didn’t accomplish[…]

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Creative Thinking for Dummies by David Cox

Are you a creative thinker? What makes someone a creative thinker? Can you learn to be a creative thinker? As a kid, I never thought I was a creative person. Everyone around me seemed to be creative, but I missed the creativity boat somehow. What I didn’t realize is that there is creativity in all[…]

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