How Social Media Has Significantly Change My Life #Spon

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Thank you to BING Social Search for sponsoring my post about social media. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.

I can’t imagine my life without Social Media. Social Media has changed every aspect of my life and I believe for the good.

Social Media Changes

1. My Husband. I met my husband through AOL which was the early stages of Social Media in my eyes. We met in the Romance Connection room. I never realized it would be the beginning of a Social Media filled life.

2. Me as a Mom. In the early years when my kids were little and I was a new stay-at-home mom, I found comfort in forums and chat rooms with other moms. I do not think I could have survived those early years without that support.

3. Career. This is where some of the most significant changes have happened. When I was a stay-at-home mom, I found a mother’s group and quickly became very involved at a national level as Technology Director. This was my first real experience as a community manager in Social Media. I connected stay-at-home moms with similar interests across the country. I was hooked and haven’t looked back yet. The amount of career opportunities that have come my way due to Social Media are so many that I couldn’t possibly name them all here. Let’s just say that I owe my entire career right now to Social Media.

4. Friendships. I have met some of my best friends through Social Media. I have been able to travel to many conferences and meet so many people and all of it is due to Social Media.

Social Media is a huge part of my current life. I do spend a lot of time online, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. I am teaching my kids to respect the Internet and to use Social Media wisely. Social Media is not going anywhere and the next generation will not know it any other way. Social Media has made me realize how small the world really is and how similar we all are no matter where we live.

Let’s Talk About Social Media!

How has social media change your life?


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  • Social media has had such a positive impact on my life.

    The community it provides has given such great strength, confidence, and a great purpose. It allows me to be a part of something bigger than me. It connects me to others I wouldn’t have an opportunity to meet otherwise.

    Its just incredible to meet and be involved with liked minded individuals, purely because of social media. a wonderfully positive impact in my life.

  • Great post! I have to say that social media has helped me to “find” myself. In addition to being responsible for the valuable relationships that I’ve formed, and the biz opps that have come my way, social media has become my main hobby and “Justice Fergie” is a HUGE part of who I am. It’s been a game-changer for sure!

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