A Quick Recap of My IAEE Expo Expo Adventure

I had the pleasure of attending Expo Expo with my husband, Jason in Atlanta this week. Expo Expo is the annual meeting of the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE).

The hot topic of the meeting was social media and since I live for social media, I was really excited to be there. I’m still trying to digest all the information from the week, but a few things stood out for me and I wanted to get them down here before they escape me.

  • Every person who is immersed in social media on a daily basis should attend an event outside of social media and talk with people who are just beginning to navigate this new media.
  • Social media will never replace face-to-face meetings completely. Social media only makes you want the face-to-face more.
  • You can not outsource your social media to a third party. A third party can teach you to navigate the social media jungle, but they can not do it for you.
  • Remember to take a step back at times and just listen.

These four points have been spinning around in my head for the last few days and I will digest them and go into more detail in the coming weeks.

What are your thoughts on these points? Do you have anything to add that stood out?


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  • I agree Michelle! The point about not outsourcing was especially important to me. We had talked about hiring someone to update our Facebook and Twitter accounts, and I’ve scrapped the idea. (no pun intended!) During ExpoExpo, I realized that a company twitter account will never be as affective as my personal account. It’s all about building relationships, and being a part of the discussion.

  • Michele,
    Great post.

    I think the one ‘gem’ that I grabbed from this event was the opportunity for events to teach their membership how to launch into social media. What a great way for our industry to reach the 70% that are not participating yet. Thanks for your exhaustive coverage of IAEE Expo Expo.

    – stephen

  • Great points. So true about Social Media makes you want the face to face more. I look forward to your more detailed posts. Glad you had an awesome time. Welcome back!
    .-= Cheryl´s last blog ..I Heart NY =-.

  • Hello Michele,

    Thanks for the great recap. I also attended the Social Media session at Expo! Expo! I think you nailed the main takeaways, especially about Social Media helping fuel attendance, and that you can’t oursource Social Media.

    Other points that hit home with me:
    > Virtual events will only be a threat if your live trade show sucks and produces low ROI.

    > Second Life people have a conference to meet face to face…so that really shows the human desire to meet face to face.

    > Social Media is not free — there is a cost in time and commitment.

    > Don’t try to create your own community — find where they already are, join them, and provide value.


    Michael Thimmesch
    Skyline Exhibits

  • Michelle, it was so nice to meet Jason’s better half! I’m still a little ticked that you out-tweeted me as a guest attendee…but hey you’re the ‘Mom Geek’, right? 😉 You jumped right in and we were delighted to have you help spread the good word about the value of face2face events.

    Adding to your excellent points above, I would say:

    – Social media helps accelerate and improve one’s ability to network face2face. I’m not going to do serious business with someone I meet online, but that can definitely open up doors and help grow enough trust to do significant transactions and partnerships together.

    – Communities that are organized around an event need some sort of community management. They need someone(s) that will help connect the community members and spark conversation.

    – We don’t build relationships with companies, but rather the people that represent those companies.

    I’m confident that this will continue to evolve quickly and that we’ll all have new and better ways of leveraging face2face and online interactions.

    I hope our paths cross again!

    Dave Lutz – @velchain
    Velvet Chainsaw Cconsulting

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