My Summer of Self Love, You In?

This summer is going to be a Summer of Self Love in my house. I spend most of the year working my schedule around 5 other schedules, making sure everyone else is on time, has everything they need, is fed, has clean clothes, does homework, gets packed for trips, is at all the lessons and practices and the one person who always gets lost is ME. Not this summer. I’m taking my summer back! Are you with me?

disclosure: As a Self Love Ambassador, in exchange for this post and helping to promote the Summer of Self Love, I will be participating in the Summer of Self Love for free. The links to the Summer of Self Love calls in this post are affiliate links.

Summer of Self Love Leaders

I know that I won’t be able to do this alone and I’m lucky because there are three women who are going to help me.

  • Marci Shimoff, the queen of happiness and best-selling author of Happy for No Reason
  • Kris Carlson, the queen of inner peace and best-selling author of Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Women
  • Christine Arylo, the queen of self-love and author of Choosing ME before WE.

 Remember back when you were a kid and you spent the whole summer running around doing nothing really important except focusing on your friends and doing what makes you happy? Those were the days…. (my friend, we thought they’d never end…) Sorry, that reminded me of a song.

Back to MY summer. I want to get back some of that feeling I had when I was a kid. Now I know realistically I can not completely blow off the entire summer and let my 4 kids run loose like a pack of wild animals. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t find the time to take care of me. As the saying goes, “if Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” It’s so true. We are the heart and soul of the family. The mood of the entire family starts with us.

Our children also look to us to guide them. They will watch closely at how we take care of ourselves and that is how they will take care of themselves as adults. Remember, it’s not what we say that is important, but what we do. So, let’s show our children and families that we ARE important.

What Is Summer of Self Love?

Jumping in the Beach / Saltando en la Playa

The following is directly from the promotional material about the Summer of Self Love.

Overwhelmed & Overworked and What Can We Do About It?

Their take is that we have all been trained to be 21st Century Super Women, brought up to believe that we can do anything, so now feel pressured to do everythingperfectly… now and at the same time. Each has created powerful processes and insights that help women break the patterns that keep them working so hard… you know, powering yourself through your life… trying to hold it all together… not getting too emotional… driving yourself until you’re exhausted.

What they’ve discovered is that what we all learned in college and in our climb up the ladders has prepared us to survive in a man’s world, in a man’s way. We weren’t taught how to thrive as a woman… so woman to woman, these women are offering the best of their wisdom to women around the world so that we can achieve and accomplish what we want, without exhausting ourselves in the process.

This knowledge is wisdom you can’t afford to live without if you ever hope to have that peace, love, happiness and freedom you work so hard to attain (that is after all why we all work so hard, isn’t it?) Here’s to living a life where we are free to do what we love… and be happy and at peace doing it!

Doesn’t that sound awesome? I’m really excited about getting started on my Summer of Self Love. Are you with me? Please feel free to pass this on to the other superwomen in your life who could benefit from a Summer of Self Love

disclosure: As a Self Love Ambassador, in exchange for this post and helping to promote the Summer of Self Love, I will be participating in the Summer of Self Love for free. The links to the Summer of Self Love calls in this post are affiliate links.

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