Running With Your Teen #NRD
Today is National Running Day, so I thought it was the perfect time to share my running story for 2014. Throughout the years, my kids have run with me. I’ve run a 5k with all of my kids at some point. I love that they have all realized that running is fun and you can run anywhere.
My kids running their first 5k with me 4 years ago.
Running A Half Marathon With Your Teen
This past spring, Sami (my 15 yr old,) said she wanted to train with me to run a half marathon. She is a dancer and is working to build up her endurance and running is a great way to do that. Anytime I can run with my kids, I’m in!
I wasn’t sure if she was serious, so I waited before signing us up. She has gone out and run on days where I didn’t, so I knew she was serious. About 2 weeks ago, I signed us up for the Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon in Virginia Beach on August 31. You may remember that is the same half marathon I ran in 2011. That was my first half marathon.
And this is why I LOVE running the Virginia Beach Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon.
It finishes right on the beach.
Running With Your Teens
I’m realizing that the years go by so quickly and before you know it…they are graduating from high school. Running with Sami has been a great way to stay connected. At least once every week, we lace up our shoes and head for the hills. Well, not really the hills, but that just sounded good there. LOL!
This past Sunday, we were walking and talking more than running which is ok too. We were out there for 4.8 miles and whether it was walking or running, it was exercise.
And if I help my kids set up healthy habits at the same time, then all the better.
Now, I need to go run…it is National Running Day after all. How far did you run today? Let me know in the comments.
I did the virtual 5k today! Woot!