My EA Sports Active News Report Video

On May 19, when the EA Sports Active became available (disclosure: didn’t work with EA Sports when I wrote this post), I went to Toys ‘R Us and picked up mine. I have been waiting for this for a few months. I went right home and started my 30 day challenge. I have been having so much fun and I can’t wait each day to workout. I even fit a quick workout in on very very busy days which is something I have not done in a long time. Working out is usually the first thing dropped off the daily schedule, but not anymore.

The benefits I’ve noticed so far:

  • I lost 5 pounds
  • I am eating better because I feel healthier
  • My arms and legs feel tighter
  • Exercise has become a fun activity instead of a chore
  • DH enjoys looking at my behind more

I’ve been meaning to write up a post about the EAS Active, but every time I sit down to do it, my words just don’t give it justice. So, instead, I created a fun little video. The actors are not professionals, so please excuse their performance. They did their best. Enjoy!

Disclosure: When I wrote this post I had no relationship with EA Sports Active. I did later work with them, but all opinions are 100% my own.

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