Project Balance Update – January 31, 2012 – Month 1

This month is a great example of why I need to find some balance in my life. I spent the month focusing on getting my life and house organized and I neglected my blog. All my good intentions of sharing my process with you went out the window once I focused on life outside my computer.

Not that it’s good or bad, but I need to find a balance between the two. Both are very important to me and part of what keeps me sane.

project balance goals

And once again I am sick with pneumonia so my body is telling me that I need to rest now.  So that is what I’m doing.

I will have a better recap and plans for February later this week. February I will focus on relationships, all relationships…with my hubby, family, friends and even with me!

Stay tuned!

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  • I could relate to the feeling of balancing goals. I understand how it is difficult to balance the time between making a post and keeping busy with household chores. I am sorry to hear about your pneumonia, which I hope that you’ll recover soon. Anyway, I tried to read your latest post, I encountered “Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!”

Let me know what you thought!!

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