Creative Business Planning Is Not An Oxymoron

Business planning takes a lot of work and I always thought was as far from creative as can be. Creative business planning? You’re kidding me!

I have never created a business plan, mission statement, media kit, etc for my blog. I know I should have done it a long time ago, but the business planning takes me away from doing what I love…writing! Even though I have a Business Admin & Marketing degree, I am not big on the business planning the usual way. It’s boring!

Creative Business Planning

It took me many years to figure out that I don’t love paperwork and I don’t love the details of business. I’m more creative so when I discovered The Creative Entrepreneur: A DIY Visual Guidebook for Making Business Ideas Real by Lisa Sonora Beam, it was like my two worlds collided and out came this book.

Shortly after, I discovered another book, The Right-Brain Business Plan which takes you through a step-by-step process of creating a business plan creatively. That is what I’m working on this month.

It was exciting to me to discover I can have fun creating a business plan as a digital scrapbook page. I’m getting excited just thinking about creative business planning. This is perfect for my Project Balance (#ProjectBalance) because I’m being creative while accomplishing a task I NEED to do, but do not WANT to do. It also feeds my need to research and learn.

creative business planning

Jennifer Lee is the author of The Right-Brain Business Plan and she also has a Right-Brain Business Plan blog and online course to go along with the book.

Here is an interview a good friend, Thien-Kim Lam  did with Jennifer Lee about creative business planning.

As I was looking for the Amazon affiliate links for the 2 books above, I also found and purchased this Kindle book, Craft Inc. Business Planner by Meg Mateo Ilasco.

Project Balance – Getting Organized, January

Now, armed with these 3 books, I will complete the following this month:

  • Business Plan
  • Media Kit
  • Editorial Calendar
  • Business & Personal Goals

Let’s Talk About Creative Business Planning!

Do you have any suggestions for books or blogs I can read with more information about Creative Business Planning?


Disclosure: I paid for all 3 books about creative business planning and the class myself. Affiliate links within post.

Photo Credits: Book covers from Amazon affiliate, Others from Microsoft Images


Leave a comment
  • It’s cool how you’ve figured all together those books that I enjoy reading regarding that business planning, thanks for this.

  • Thanks for including my interview. I have the Right Brained Biz book as well. I keep meaning to work through it. Want to do it together?

    • You are very welcome! I’ve had the Right Brain Biz book for quite some time and I took the class and I still haven’t completed it. But I’m trying to do it this month.

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