2011 Over; 2012 Project Balance Tech Style Begins
Usually at the end of a year, I like to go back and look at my goals and see what I’ve accomplished and what I haven’t. This year, I just want to move on to 2012 and leave 2011 where it should be…in the past! Project Balance will help me do that.
2011 Accomplishments
Yeah, yeah, I know…I should look at what I have accomplished. Ok…I did run my Half Marathon.
Medal for running my first half marathon.
2012 Resolutions?
As you may know, I hate resolutions, prefer intentions. This year, I’ve decided to wrap up my intentions into a nice big package, Project Balance (#ProjectBalance.) And with everything I do, this involves a lot of technology! I have to keep up my Tech Mom title after all.
Living With Chronic Pain
In December of 2010, I had pancreatic surgery which ended over 10 years of chronic pain. I thought for sure that 2011 would be my year! No pain! Lots of gain. Well, gain I did! 30 pounds to be exact. It was a much tougher year than I thought it would be. Turns out that when you have over 10 years of pain, you get used to it. Those doctor appointments, tests and hospital visite I detested so much became my normal. Your whole life shifts to accomodate your pain.
Finding My New Normal
When I was pain-free, I didn’t know what normal was anymore, my normal. I felt like something was missing and I tried to fill that void with food I guess. It took me a while to figure that out. So, now I need to figure out what my new normal is.
Project Balance is my way of finding my new normal.
Project Balance Tech Style
Project Balance will be a year-long project with a different focus on a life area each month. Everything I do has a tech angle to it, so you will see how I use technology to enhance my life every day. This year I will use technology to balance my life.
Here is a sample of how I will present the different focus areas each month.
- Apps, gadgets, web tools and software
- Project 365 picture ideas
- Digital Scrapbook pages
- Quotes & motivational stories
- Suggestions of ebooks to read
- Blogs to follow
- Personal stories
- …And much more!
If you would like to follow me on the journey, I would love the company. I don’t have the answers. I’m going to be fumbling my way through this journey. I’m thinking of this as a year-long research project, making changes in my life as I go.
Project Balance Begins
On January 1, 2012, Project Balance begins with Organization and Setting Goals. I”ll be using the hashtag #ProjectBalance. My One Word for the year is Balance, of course!
Let’s Talk About Project Balance!
Will you join me? Do you set New Year’s Resolutions every year? Do you keep your resolutions?
Images 2 & 3 from Microsoft Images.
Related articles
- Looking Forward by Looking Back (suzyqscraps.com)
- Project 365 – Coming January 2012 (justspencer.wordpress.com)
- 2012 New Year’s Resolutions, Goals or Words – Link Up… (5minutesformom.com)

There is no harm in filling the void with food and finding your feet after 10 years, think of yourself as the college student who goes away from home for the 1st time and for the 1st time experiances freedom so goes a little off the rails and has a great time before calming it all down and useing all of the experiances to better themselves?
Karly – You are so right. I never thought about it that way. I suppose if that’s what I needed to get through those years, then so be it. Thank you for showing me a different way of looking at it. 😀
I am with you for sure, as balance is also my word of the year! I am still struggling with how to actually achieve it, as it seems that my scale likes to tip one way or the other…..but I am confident that we can do this!
Love this idea Michelle!! Can’t wait to follow you on the journey!