Half Marathon Training; 2 Weeks Out + Earthquake in Virginia
In 2 weeks, my half marathon training will be put to the test. I will be running the Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon in Virginia Beach. That is 13.1 miles! Will my half marathon training be successful?
When I started my half marathon training, I was hopeful, but still unsure if I could accomplish this goal. It was important to set a goal and work towards it. My body hasn’t always been my friend and I needed to prove that I can do something if I put my mind (and body) to it. 13.1 miles seemed like a lot of running when I was struggling to do a 5k last spring.
Here I am 2 weeks out and I’m ready. I ran 11 miles last week and while it was tough….I did it. I know that if I can complete 11 miles in my half marathon training, I’m ready for 13.1. I’m so ready that I wish it was this weekend. I don’t want to overdo it so I’m running between 3 and 5 miles until the race, but I want to do more. (Did I just say that?)
I struggle every time I put my shoes on…I dread it..I put it off. But once I get out there and run about 1 mile….I’m hooked. I feel so good and I want to keep going. When I’m done, I feel awesome. It’s that feeling that keeps me running. It’s that feeling that motivates me when I don’t want to run. The half marathon training has taught me to find motivation within myself.
*****Break for Earthquake*****
Yes, just had an earthquake in Virginia suburbs of DC (5.9 if you are counting). I thought for sure it was a bomb or plane crash. Kids were freaking out. Everyone is ok, but phones are out.
Back to Half Marathon Training
So, in 2 weeks, I’ll find out if my half marathon training worked. I hope you’ll all follow me. I plan to tweet during my race. I’ll be using my Nike+ GPS and you can “like” my Facebook status and I’ll hear the cheers.
As it gets closer, I’ll set up something here on my blog for you to follow me on my half marathon.
Let’s Talk About Half Marathon Training!
Give me your tips for race day!
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