#IHeartOmron Challenge Kicked My Butt; Week 3 Update

#IHeartOmron #Mamavation workouts

This past week of my #IHeartOmron Fitness Challenge was awesome. I was finally fully recovered from my flu bug and I was able to really put my all into my workouts. I’m trying to get caught up so I doubled up on workouts.


When I first got the workout routine, I saw that each workout had only 4 or 5 exercises (done 4 times each) and I thought…Hmmm! Will that give me a good workout? The answer? YES!!!! The workouts were hard and very effective. I started the week using 3 lb weights, but by the end of the week I was using 10 lb weights.

I admit that where I’m struggling is with the number of steps each day. I’m trying to get 10,000 steps each day, but I’m finding that really hard. I’m not giving up though. I’m working my way up every day changing my routines so that I can add more steps naturally throughout my day.


Tracking my daily steps with the pedometer has really shown me why I have gained 10 lbs/year for the last few years. I’m inactive. I feel like nothing has changed, but it has. I’ve become more sedentary and it shows. In the past, I found it easy to get 10,000 steps each day, so I have no more excuses since I know what the problem is.

And the exciting news is that I have lost a total of 3.6 lbs since I started the #IHeartOmron challenge. I did lose some weight while I was sick and usually I put that all right back on when I start eating again, but I didn’t do that (and also lost 3.6 lbs), so I’m super excited. I’m also feeling much stronger and each workout gets easier (or rather less hard.)


Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Omron Fitness as a collaboration with Bookieboo Blogging Network and Mamavation – a community dedicated to weight loss for women and obesity prevention for families.  I was provided with product and compensation for my time and honest opinions. 



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