Half Marathon Training; You CAN Run, Blisters & Socks
My half marathon training has been moving along. Running in the summer time is not a lot of fun. I am often torn because I prefer to run outside, but it’s so friggin’ hot. I try to run earlier in the day, but I also like to sleep. LOL!
Half Marathon Training Beach Style
This past Sunday, we were in Virginia Beach, where my half marathon will be. I got up on Sunday morning and I ran 8 miles as part of my half marathon training. YES!!! 8 MILES!!! I have never ran that far in my life…I never even imagined I could run that far and enjoy it.
So, any of you nay-sayers out there who tell me you can’t run even a mile…YOU CAN! I used to get out of running the mile in school because I had asthma and now I’m running 8 miles AND doing half marathon training. I don’t want to hear any more excuses. If you want to run, YOU CAN!
Half Marathon Training Pains
Half marathon training does come with its own issues. Now my big problem is blisters. I got 2 blisters on my right foot and my toes hurt. My right foot must rub on my shoes somehow and the impact seems to be greater on my right foot. I asked on Google+ for advice to keep the blisters away and everyone said to buy really good (expensive) running shocks.
I headed to Dick’s Sporting Goods and bought a pair of Thorlo Women’s 84N Low Cut Running Socks.
They only had the black with pink left so that’s what I got. According to the package, this pair is
clinically confirmed to reduce blisters, pressure and pain.
I will let you know after I try running 10 miles in them whether they worked. Hoping they make my half marathon training a little less painful.
During the week, my half marathon training consists of running between 2 and 4 miles and working on my pace. This is my view most days when I run…
Half Marathon Race Day Support
In September when I run my Rock ‘n Roll half marathon, I am going to need support from you. I need you to cheer me on. I will be tweeting and you will be able to follow me (I’ll let you know how in a few weeks.) When you see that I’m running on Facebook or Twitter, RT, Like and leave comments. I hear those while I’m running and it really does help. When I hear those cheers, I run faster…it’s my reminder that I can do it!! Knowing I’m not alone in my half marathon training helps me tremendously.
Let’s Talk About Half Marathon Training!
How is your half marathon training going? Are you running at all? Any advice for race day?
P.S. I just found out that the Rock ‘n Roll brand has taken over the SunTrust Half Marathon in Washington D.C. I will be running the SunTrust Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Nation’s Capital Half Marathon on March 17. Anyone want to run it with me and we can do our half marathon training together.
Hi Michelle! My name is Tracy Harris. I work with Thorlo socks and just came across your blog regarding your purchase of Thorlos 84N Runner socks. I would love to hear your feedback on what you thought about the product. You may not know it, but you are supporting an American company – everything is made right in North Carolina! I look forward to hearing from you. Hope you had a great time in Virginia Beach.
I loved the socks and I have bought more. They really helped my blisters. I haven’t had one since I bought the socks.