Super Bowl Commercials, Snowmageddon Round 2 Cabin Fever
This post is just a bunch of random thoughts that will all be streamed together because that is the way my brain feels lately.
Random Thought #1
Let’s start with the Super Bowl commercials. Which one was your favorite? I loved the Google commercial and I think the reason it was my favorite was that it was so simple, yet said so much. No fancy effects, no pantless people, no jokes, no silly characters, just a very simple, yet quite effective commercial. If you missed it, here it is:
Random Thought #2
If you followed my Snowmageddon Day 1 and Day 2 posts, then you know we got 3 ft of snow over the weekend. In an average year, we get 22 inches. We got 36 inches in 2 days. That is a LOT for our area (well probably for any area). And if that wasn’t enough snow for us, today is Snowmageddon part 2.
We are supposed to get at least another foot of snow. YES, I said that correctly ONE FOOT of snow on top of the THREE FEET we have. My kids are out of school for the rest of the week (officially per the county, not my guessing). I will do another post of Snowmageddon part 2. Watch my video of the progression of Part 1.
Wednesday is supposed to then get really really windy (40+ mph) and we’ll have the 4 ft of snow on the ground swirling around. We didn’t lose power with round 1 and I’m just hoping we don’t lose it during part 2.
Random Thought #3
Cabin Fever. Ever have it? How do you deal with it? I didn’t realize I had it until I went out of the house. When my hubby got home from Germany. (Side story: Jason was stuck in Germany during part 1 of our snowmageddon. He flew from Amsterdam to Frankfurt and then all the flights from Europe to DC were canceled. He spent 2 nights in a hotel by the airport in Frankfurt waiting to get home. He finally got home on Sunday night. Dulles was letting international flights land.)
So, anyways, he told me he was taking me and the kids OUT on Monday to anywhere. I didn’t want to go, but he made me. I’m so glad I did. The roads were horrible, but I really needed it. We just went to Target, Wal-Mart, mall and the grocery store, but seeing something other than my home was nice.
Now we will be stuck in the house again for at least 2 days, if not more. Jason will be here too so that will definitely help. There will be 2 adults to 4 kids, so they can whine to him too. I’m just running out of ideas on what to do.
What do you do when you get stuck in your house for days?
I actually loved the Google commercial as well!!!
Ah, the old cabin fever will be an extra roommate for you this week… How about popcorn and a favorite old movie you can all watch together, baking cookies, a scavenger hunt using fun snack packs or fruit snacks, writing a short book together, trying out a new video game someone got as a holiday gift and having a family tournament?
.-= MarcomMom´s last blog ..Ten Tips for a Distraction-free Family Vacation =-.