Create a Visual of Your Word (Part 4 of Intention Series)

If you are following along, you read about my dislike of resolutions and my plan to create my Intentions.

1. Write out your  intentions
2. Pick one word to summarize your intentions
3. Create a
visual of your word and intentions

4. Create your plan of action

We have written out our intentions and chose one word. I could just stop there and send you on your way, but I’m not going to do that. I’m going to help you create some tools and a plan so that you can successfully do. all that you intend to do.

Create a Visual

Today we will create a visual of your word, otherwise known as a Vision Board. This does not have to be complicated. It can be as simple as writing the word on a piece of paper and finding a few pictures that depict your word or as complicated as a complete scrapbook album or movie. It is up to you. Since I am a digital scrapbooker, I will create a digital scrapbook page.

Why Create a Visual?

Just knowing what your intentions are for the year is a good idea, but seeing it will reinforce it. It is a visual representation of what you want for 2010. Seeing is believing! Once you create the visualization, put it in a place where you will see it every day. Make several copies and put it on your bathroom mirror, in your car, on your iPhone and anywhere else you are often.

The act of creating the vision board will have you thinking about your intentions in another way which may spark ideas and will help you when creating your plan of action (tomorrow’s post).

Samples & Tips

My Visualization of My Word

I kept my vision board very basic. I had an urge to complicate it and add lots of pictures, but I think the simplicity of the layout is what is important. What isn’t there is what is as important as what is there.

Kit is Flab-U-Less by Traci Reed & Libby Weifenbach, font LD Youngster

Tomorrow we will finish our Intention Plan by creating a plan of action.

Show me your visual representation of your intentions. Upload and include a link in the comments below.


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