Wordless Wednesday; CES 2012 Style

Wordless wednesday ces 2012

No, I’m not at CES this year, but I am still keeping up with all the new products. Jason was at CES for a day and did some networking for me. I’m at home with a pinched nerve in my neck. Not serious, but still not fun.

This is my CES 2012 headquarters.

Wordless wednesday ces 2012

There are 3 laptops (one with Ustream running cnet & TWIT live streaming, iPad with the CES app running and my iMac where I’m reading posts and blogging.)

Are you following the CES 2012 news?


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  • You’re definitely more equipped than me, i’m still waiting to buy a larger monitor (one without so many scratches), but the ones i have my eyes on (LED) are still a little over my price range. Thought at the rate they’re going they should be real cheap by the end of the year.

  • Wow such a professional blogger headquarter! I really like it! One of my relatives haves been at CES, too. He sent me a video about a shop window, in which a tranparent touchscreen was installed. I found the idea genial, people could check the prices or views on the transparent screen, and there were some widgets, too. I wish I ever had the chance to get to CES.

  • Wow. You are SOOOOO my kind of gal! Glad I found you through Google+. Love all your gadgets on your desk. (I’m jealous!) If only I can convince my fave tech companies to make me an “ambassador” too….I’d be in heaven (almost). haha!

    I read your profile description and you’re like my twin! I’m a new follower and I’m subscribing to your feed! Looking forward to hearing about great new products. (Wish I could buy them, but I’ll be satisfied with reading about them….for now….) 😉

    By the way, I do digital scrapbooking too and (plan to) do that Project 365 thing. But with homeschool and 3 kids, it’s hard to find time, you know? Here’s my (dedicated) digiscrappin’ blog: http://www.digiscrapmommy.com Hope to see you there!

    • Ha! Twins! Love it. I am determined to complete the Project 365 layouts this year. I’ve been doing it for year, but I never do any layouts with it. So, hopefully this will be the year.

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