Tag Photos With Links Using ThingLink
Have you ever had a photo where you thought, “wouldn’t it be great if I could tag photos with links?” With ThingLink you can.
Why Tag Photos With Links?
Here are a few examples of why you would want to tag photos with links:
Group Photo – You take a group photo at a blogging conference and you want to tag the person with their blog.
Family Reunion – You take the big group photo of all 200 of your relatives and you would like to tag each person with their Facebook Page.
Review Photos – You review a lot of products and take a lot of photos of those products. You would like to tag the photos with the link to Amazon or maybe to a video review of the product.
ThingLink Example
Here is a photo that I tagged with a Facebook Page and YouTube Page link. I tagged this one in ThingLink and embedded it in my post which is one way of creating ThingLink tagged photos.
A second way to tag your photos with links is to install ThingLink on your blog which will enable you to tag all your photos right on your blog. Just be sure you log into your ThingLink account when you are tagging your photos.
ThingLink offers both free and premium accounts.
Let’s Talk About Why You Tag Photos With Links!
What other uses do you have to tag photos with links?
Disclosure: Not paid. Just writing because I thought it was a cool tool!
Photos are screen prints or from press kit.
Be careful with tagging on Facebook. Its rules say you can’t tag people without their consent or if they’re not actually in the picture.
This is a very cool way, Michele, for me to share things with my family who aren’t exactly fantastic using computers. Getting them to enter specific URLs and such can be tricky so now, having them just click on an image will streamline things a lot.
It will get across the information I’m looking to send without them having the headaches of trying to figure out how to get to it.
Fantastic share!
Hi Michele,
This is the first time I get information about thinglink. This information may be useful for me later. Btw thanks for sharing.