HP ENVY 23 Touchsmart AiO Bringing My Family Closer Together #HPFamilyTime

HP EVY 23 touchsmart AiO

The holidays are the time of the year where families get together and enjoy each other. For the kids, it’s all about the presents, but for the adults, it’s all about the family.

So, when family isn’t near, it is a little sad. No one wants to be sad during the holidays. We have lived away from family for most of our married life. We have 4 kids and the family is always wanting to spend time with the kids. When we couldn’t get together, we have used Skype to stay close

Christmas Together

I remember a Christmas Day in 1997 where we had just moved really far from family, but all the Grandparents saw my son open his presents on Christmas morning because of a computer.

Yes, that cold machine brought our family close together. This year we will be using our new HP ENVY 23 Touchsmart AiO to keep our families close.

HP EVY 23 touchsmart AiO

HP ENVY 23 Touchsmart Video

Here is a video my kids and I created showing you one of the many ways we stay closer via computer. My husband was out-of-town and the kids still got to see him.

Disclosure: I received the HP ENVY 23 Touchsmart AiO as part of the #HPFamilyTime campaign. No other compensation was received. As always, all opinions are 100% my own.

Photo credit: Wikipedia

For more information about the HP ENVY 23 Touchsmart AiO.

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