My World has Been Rocked, Clorox Studies the 5-Second Rule

Do you follow the 5-second rule? You know what I’m talking about! The one where if food drops on the floor as long as you get it in 5 seconds, it’s ok to eat? Do you follow that rule? In our house, I usually say, “if the dog hasn’t gotten it, it’s yours.” Our dog[…]

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Miley Cyrus Concert Review from Verizon Center, Washington DC

The Miley Cyrus Wonder World Tour 2009 concert last night was awesome. It was like watching a live video of each song. She does a fantastic job of putting together a show. The special effects were out of this world. We had fun trying to figure out which song was next by the special effects.[…]

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How 9/11 Change Me

Eight years ago today started like any other day. I had sent my oldest off to Kindergarten. Jason was traveling and I was enjoying a few hours of peace before Sami woke up. I was checking e-mail and I didn’t even have the TV on, which was unusual for me. Then, I got an e-mail[…]

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