Excited for Fuller House Season 3

Yes, I’m so excited for the 3rd season of Fuller House. How about you? I watched it as a kid and I like the silly comedy that Fuller House is known for. Is it reality? Nope! But it’s funny and it manages to hit the topics of family, friends and life in a real way.

Fuller House Season 3 on Netflix

I know…contradictory. The comebacks and the jokes are not reality, but the topics and relationships are. I like the characters and they keep me coming back. They could be my neighbors.

Fuller House, Season 3 Trailer

On Friday, you will find me in my office watching Fuller House (between doctor appointments).

Fuller House, Season 3 on Netflix on September 22, 2017

Seeing how the kids have grown up and seeing them as parents is comforting. It’s like having old friends visit.

What are your thoughts on Fuller House? Did you watch it the first time around? Season 1 or 2? 

Not a sponsored post. I just LOVE this show. Yes, I have worked with Netflix in the past, but this is not part of that relationship. 

Let me know what you thought!!

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