Cody Simpson Wal-Mart Soundcheck Trip Was AWESOME!!
Last week I told you about the Cody Simpson Wal-Mart Soundcheck contest that we won to see him in Los Angeles. Thanks to Don’t Fret The Sweat, we had a fabulous trip.
It was a really REALLY short trip. We got up at 5am on the east coast to fly to LA. We arrived in LA at 11:30 am and went to our hotel, SLS Hotel in Beverly Hills.
We headed straight for the rooftop pool for a few hours of fun before the Cody Simpson Wal-Mart Soundcheck concert.
Here are the kids having fun in the pool (and asking every few minutes if it was time to go to the Cody Simpson Wal-Mart Soundcheck concert!
Then we had to get ready for the Cody Simpson Wal-Mart Soundcheck concert…
Finally everyone was ready and we headed down to meet our car… the Cody Simpson Wal-Mart Soundcheck concert. YAY!!!
And after a long 1.5 hour drive to the House of Blues at Downtown Disney, we finally got to the Cody Simpson Wal-Mart Soundcheck concert.
Cody Simpson Wal-Mart Soundcheck
We sat up high in the balcony, so my pictures aren’t that great. My camera would not turn on (I had 2 fully charged batteries too…ARGH!) I had to take pictures of the Cody Simpson Wal-Mart Soundcheck concert with my iPhone.
The really cool part about the concert being filmed for a Cody Simpson Wal-Mart Soundcheck is that it’ll be an awesome way for us to remember the concert. The Wal-Mart Soundcheck can be downloaded as an iPhone/iPad app too. The kids really enjoyed watching him sing and my girls loved all the dancing since they are both in Hip Hop dance.
I found this video on YouTube from the Cody Simpson Wal-Mart Soundcheck concert.
Cody Simpson Wal-Mart Soundcheck Meet & Greet
But the concert was finally over and they were going to get to meet Cody Simpson in person.
Sami talked to him a bit as the meet & greet was starting before he got ushered off. This was the highlight of her night.
Megan said he was “squishy and soft,” which she later informed us that it meant he was very “huggable.”
Nicky was a little embarrassed since Cody is a guy, but as you can see…Cody understood that and made this a cool guy pic.
And Sami saw that Justin Bieber’s manager, Scooter Braun was at the concert too.
By this time it was almost 10:30 pm and we were all tired having been up since 2:00 am LA time. We have to wait to get our signed posters from the Cody Simpson Wal-Mart Soundcheck.
It was an awesome trip and one my kids will never forget. Now we can’t wait for the Cody Simpson Wal-Mart Soundcheck app to come out so we can see it again.
Disclosure: I won the Don’t Fret The Sweat Cody Simpson Wal-Mart Soundcheck concert trip. They paid for our flights, hotel & transportation and the tickets. I did not have to write about it, but I did!! As always all opinions are 100% my own. Affiliate links contained in post.
Let’s Talk About Cody Simpson Wal-Mart Soundcheck Concert!
Do you know who Cody Simpson is? What is your favorite song of his? Will you check out the Cody Simpson Wal-Mart Soundcheck when it’s available?
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