Early Signs of Speech & Hearing Disorders Twitter Chat 5/20 Noon ET #BHSMChat


You read my personal story of my 2 kids and their speech and hearing disorders. I wish I had known the early signs of detection, so we could have started earlier. May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, so along with ASHA (American Speech-Language Hearing Association,) I am hosting a Twitter party.


ASHA will have 2 experts on hand to answer your questions. We will be giving away 4 gift cards during the chat. You only have to answer all the questions and participate.

Here are all the details:

When: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at 12:00 pm ET – 1:00 pm ET

Where: Twitter #BHSMChat

Who: @ASHAWeb, @ScrappinMichele, @LittleTechGirl, @TechSavvyMama, @ThienKim

Why: Find out how to detect the early signs of a speech, language and hearing disorder

Hope to see you there on Tuesday!

Disclosure: I am being compensated for planning and hosting this Twitter party. All opinions are my own.

Let me know what you thought!!

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