Where Does Our Imagination Go? #Spon

Do we lose our imagination as adults or are we just afraid to let it soar? I hope we are just afraid to let it soar because that means if I let myself think freely, all that great imagination I had as a kid will come flowing back to me. Childhood Imagination Here is a[…]

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Video History of Diet Coke Commercials

After looking at Diet Coke in 1982, I was very curious about the history of the Diet Coke commercial. I set out to find out what exciting adventures, Diet Coke has been on in the last 29 years. Diet Coke Commercial History 1982 – Diet Coke was born (huge launch party on July 4, 1982[…]

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Half Marathon Training; You CAN Run, Blisters & Socks

My half marathon training has been moving along. Running in the summer time is not a lot of fun. I am often torn because I prefer to run outside, but it’s so friggin’ hot. I try to run earlier in the day, but I also like to sleep. LOL! Half Marathon Training Beach Style This[…]

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