Creating With Instagram Pictures; What Do You Do With Yours?

You can create some awesome books and scrapbook pages with your Instagram pictures. No sense in leaving all those gorgeous pictures on your iPhone. Why not put them together in a book or create a scrapbook page with a template. Creating Books With Instagram Pictures Here are services that help you create a book by[…]

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Heading to BlogHer With Some Cool Stuff #BlogHer11

Next week I’ll be heading to BlogHer with 3,000 other bloggers (mostly women) in San Diego. I’ve never been to San Diego, so I am looking forward to seeing a new town. I’ve been warned that I may not want to leave. EVER! Especially since I’m a beach bum at heart. This is my third[…]

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7 Interesting Facts about Diet Coke

With only one more day until the big Diet Coke 29th Birthday Celebration & surprise, I thought it would be fun to find a few interesting facts. Diet Coke Trivia 1. When Diet Coke was introduced in 1982, it was the first new product added to the Coca-Cola trademark since 1886. 2. Diet Coke is[…]

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Where Does Our Imagination Go? #Spon

Do we lose our imagination as adults or are we just afraid to let it soar? I hope we are just afraid to let it soar because that means if I let myself think freely, all that great imagination I had as a kid will come flowing back to me. Childhood Imagination Here is a[…]

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Video History of Diet Coke Commercials

After looking at Diet Coke in 1982, I was very curious about the history of the Diet Coke commercial. I set out to find out what exciting adventures, Diet Coke has been on in the last 29 years. Diet Coke Commercial History 1982 – Diet Coke was born (huge launch party on July 4, 1982[…]

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Half Marathon Training; You CAN Run, Blisters & Socks

My half marathon training has been moving along. Running in the summer time is not a lot of fun. I am often torn because I prefer to run outside, but it’s so friggin’ hot. I try to run earlier in the day, but I also like to sleep. LOL! Half Marathon Training Beach Style This[…]

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Diet Coke and Life 29 Years Ago

Diet Coke was introduced 29 years ago. That really got me thinking about how long I’ve been drinking Diet Coke. I’m pretty sure I was one of the first Diet Coke customers. Seriously. I have been drinking it for 29 years. I am going to be 44 next month and I started drinking it as[…]

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My Eating On The Go Personal Stories #Spon

Eating on the go seems to be the norm for me lately. I’m either working or helping someone with some thing and the last thing on my mind is food. Well, I should rephrase that…I think about food all the time, but not about cooking it or preparing it, just eating it. We all have[…]

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Discovery Girls Magazine Created By Real Girls For Girls

Discovery Girls Magazine uses real girls on the cover and inside. No models, just real girls. Girls that our tweens and tweens can relate to and see every day at school. That is the biggest reason I am going to purchase a Discovery Girls subscription for my 12-year-old. Discovery Girls for Tweens I was very[…]

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Pinterest for Sharing Your Interests; Daily Geek Find

Today’s Daily Geek Find is Pinterest. Pinterest is a way of sharing cool pictures of anything that interests you. You create boards which are like categories and you pin the pictures of your interests to the boards. Sharing an interest is called pinning. You can follow people or follow boards. Follow Me on Pinterest Follow[…]

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